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Allergic reactions to airborne or inhaled allergens such as pollen, cigarette smoke and house dust is common among Canadians. Typical reactions include itchy, watery or burning eyes, runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. While over the counter medication can help to alleviate allergy symptoms, they often cause unpleasant side effects. Numerous natural remedies can also relieve allergy symptoms without these unpleasant side effects.

Vitamin C, citrus bioflavonoids and grape seed extract help to reduce the release of histamine from mast cells which is the substance that produces the allergic reaction. Homeopathic remedies given prior to the onset of allergy season can help reduce allergy symptoms. These remedies are very diluted substances made from the allergens themselves such as pollens, grasses etc. Other homeopathic remedies are also effective during the onset of symptoms. These remedies are not made from the allergens, but rather from substances that have been found to reduce or eliminate allergy symptoms. Two of the most common homeopathic remedies which are used for allergies include Allium cepa (mainly nose symptoms) and Euphrasia (mainly eye symptoms)

Another way to reduce or eliminate allergy symptoms is to avoid contact with the allergens (the substances causing the reaction). While this is nearly impossible with environmental allergens (pollens, grasses etc), it is possible to avoid food allergens. Eliminating exposure to food allergens can decrease the severity of seasonal environmental allergies by decreasing the overall demand placed on the body. Most people have allergies or sensitivities to various foods without being aware of it. Two excellent ways to find out what foods you should avoid are through and an elimination diet, and blood allergy tests. Specialized blood allergy tests are frequently used by Naturopaths, and are often not available through the medical system.

For an individualized treatment plan contact Christine Slonetsky N.D.

519-433-7444 (London, ON)

519-433-7401 (Virtual Office)


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Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine


Proper bowel function is essential to good health. You may have heard the phrase “you are what you eat”. Equally true is “you are what you absorb”. In order for the food to nourish the cells of your body, it must be digested (broken down) and absorbed through the small intestine. When there is diarrhea, the food is passing through too quickly to be absorbed properly. When there is constipation, waste products such as toxins, hormones, and bacteria either remain in the colon, or get reabsorbed back into the blood.

Acute diarrhea can result from “food poisoning”, (food containing bacteria from unclean cooking practices), a viral infection, or food that is irritating the intestines such as spicy foods, or other foods that you are allergic or sensitive to. Chronic diarrhea can occur from chronically eating foods you are sensitive resulting in chronic inflammation of the intestines, and from having dysbiosis. Dysbiosis is a state of poor gut flora. Too many bad bugs, and not enough of the good ones such as acidophilus. Acute or chronic constipation can also result from food sensitivities, and/or abuse of laxatives.

The approach to dealing with diarrhea and constipation that I use in my practice is as follows:

  1. Avoid foods that you are allergic to or sensitive to. This can be done through an elimination diet, or food allergy testing (IgG testing) – best speak to a naturopath about this.
  2. Eat adequate fiber. For diarrhea it is particularly important to eat soluble fiber such as oat bran, fresh ground flax seeds, or psyllium (you need to drink at least one glass of water with psyllium).
  3. Drink at least 8 ounces of water per day, particularly in cases of constipation.
  4. Repair the lining of the gut with nutrients such as:
    • L-glutamine (as a supplement or in the form of raw cabbage juice).
    • Flax or fish oil
  5. Take acidophilus to restore proper gut flora.
  6. Take digestive enzymes to help break down and absorb food.
  7. A stool analysis may be needed to determine if there are parasites or other pathogenic bacteria
  8. Consult your naturopathic doctor or family doctor to determine if more testing is needed.

For an individualized treatment plan contact Christine Slonetsky N.D.

519-433-7444 (London, ON)

519-433-7401 (Virtual Office)


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Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine


Everybody is Toxic!

Why are we toxic?

  • In the last 100 years tens of thousands of chemicals have been introduced to our environment, as well as millions of tons of heavy metals.
  • We all have some level of toxicity: Voluntary (Workplace exposure, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and others like hobbies etc.) and involuntary (Air, water exposure, pesticide exposure, food exposure) intake.
  • Toxins are also produced by the body from waste products from bacteria and yeast in the gut.

How has this affected us?

  • Toxicity places a burden on our bodies which may contribute to the following health problems;
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Mental illness and dementia (from heavy metals)
  • Endocrine dysfunction (i.e. menstrual cramps, infertility, thyroid dysfunction)
  • Immune dysfunction
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Chemical sensitivity
  • Chronic headaches/migraines
  • Muscle pains

If we are all toxic, why aren't we all sick?

  • Toxins like alcohol, solvents, pesticides, heavy metals and others can be offset in different degrees by a person’s lifestyle habits such as nutrition, ability to cope with stress, exercise, positive thinking and emotions, and in some degree by genetics.
  • We can't change our genetics, BUT... We CAN optimize our intake of nutrients necessary for detoxification, and We CAN support our body’s efforts to detoxify through the use of natural herbs and nutritional supplements.

Organ Detox:

  • The organs that are directly and indirectly involved in supporting detoxification include the liver, the bowels, the kidneys, the lungs, the lymphatic system, and the skin. Of these the liver is the most important organ for detoxification.

Herbs That Support Liver Detoxification

  • Dandelion root (Taraxacum Off)
  • Milk Thistle (Silymarin)
  • Artichoke
  • Picorhiza kurroa

Other Nutrients That Support Detoxification

  • B Vitamins
  • Glutathione
  • Glycine, taurine, glutamine, cysteine, arginine, ornithine

When Is the Best Time to Do a Detoxification Program?

  • Taking herbs and supplements that support detoxification is usually recommended in the spring and summer. It is generally best to do for at least one month. For optimal results, a detox program would also include diet guidelines. Guidance from a trained professional such as a Naturopathic Doctor is also recommended.

For an individualized treatment plan contact Dr Christine Slonetsky N.D.

519-433-7444 (London Office)

519-433-7401 (Virtual Office)

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Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine


The phrase “You are what you eat” has been used by health professionals who understand that what you eat greatly impacts your overall health. In order to get the full benefits of the food you are eating you need to have a healthy digestive system. This involves proper digestion, absorption, and elimination of food.

Digestion involves the breakdown of food into smaller components so they can eventually be absorbed through the intestines. This process starts in the mouth with chewing, and continues as food passes through the stomach and into the intestines. One of the first signs that there is a problem with digestion is heartburn. Other signs include abdominal bloating, discomfort, gas, and undigested food in the stool.

Heartburn is often treated with the use of antacids which reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach. Long term use of antacids have a negative effect on digestion because adequate stomach acid is needed to for proper breakdown of protein, and absorption of minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. Most naturopaths believe that the problem of heartburn is not too much stomach acid, but rather, a slow digestive system, and overeating. A naturopathic approach focuses on supporting digestion, and the elimination of foods that increase heartburn. Five suggestions for eliminating heart burn include:

  1. Eat smaller meals.
  2. Avoid eating large meals late at night.
  3. Quit smoking.
  4. Avoid chocolate, fried foods, carbonated beverages, alcohol, and coffee.
  5. Place 4-inch blocks under the bedposts at the head of the bed.

Herbs are extremely helpful in healing the lining of the esophagus that may have been damaged by acid rising from the stomach. Some of these include: Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), Slippery Elm, Marshmallow root, and Mastic gum. Herbs and supplements that help to break down food include digestive enzymes, Swedish bitters, bromelain, and papain, Homeopathic remedies and acupuncture are two other methods naturopaths use to aid digestion.

For an individualized treatment plan contact Dr Christine Slonetsky N.D.

519-433-7444 (London, ON)

519-433-7401 (Virtual Office)

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Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine


Spring is here, and people are beginning to think about loosing weight for summer. For many people, a desire to loose weight is primarily focused on wanting to look “good”. When people embark on a diet they tend to eat better and exercise more. As they make these changes, they start to have more energy, have less aches and pains and feel happier. While some of these benefits are the result of loosing weight, they are also due to adopting healthier lifestyle habits. Whether one wants to loose weight or not, eating better, exercising more, and taking time to relax and have fun greatly improves ones quality of life.

Those wishing to shed a few pounds can greatly increase their success by following some or all of the recommendations listed below.


  • Get support. Individual and/or group support will provide you with guidance and encourage you to keep going when things get difficult.
  • Adopt a weight loss program that encourages lifestyle changes that you can follow for the rest of your life.
  • Address emotional eating habits. Unless you understand the emotions behind some of your eating patterns, you will likely return to old eating habits over time.
  • Get exercise and rest. Both of these practices will change your metabolism and make it easier to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Detoxification and Bowel Cleansing. Many people find that they are able to lose more weight after doing liver, kidney, and bowel detoxification. Supporting these organs also reduces stress placed on the body as toxins are released from fat cells during weight loss.

For an individualized treatment plan contact Christine Slonetsky N.D.

Discover Health Centre
519-433-7444 (London, ON)

Virtual Office


Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

What is Thermography?

We consider thermography as a very important and unique “Health Discovery Technology” that provides thousands of patients with peace of mind when they may be questioning new or unusually concerning health symptoms.
In addition, thermography can assist in the discovery of the state of health in general. You may have heard of thermography as a safe method of breast health screening…but it can be that and so much more!
Over the past two decades, it has been determined through extensive clinical studies that inflammation is not just a result of sickness, but the actual CAUSE of serious, life threatening diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Inflammation, most often initially caused by the bio-chemical results of stress, creates an environment that allows these kinds of diseases to establish and flourish. This condition is silent but not invisible… if you can just put yourself in front of an infrared camera and an experienced thermographer. This is why you should use thermography… knowledge offers the power to take control of your future health and the length and quality of your life.


Medical Thermography is a non-invasive diagnostic technique that enables the examiner to visualize and quantify changes in skin surface temperature. An infrared camera is used to convert infrared radiation emitted from the skin surface into electrical impulses that are visualized in color on a monitor. This visual image graphically maps the body temperature and is referred to as a thermogram. The spectrum of colors indicates an increase or decrease in the amount of infrared radiation being emitted from the body surface. Since there is a high degree of thermal symmetry in the normal body, subtle abnormal temperature asymmetries can be easily identified.

The thermal patterns displayed on the thermogram are as unique as fingerprints. In healthy people, there is a symmetrical thermal pattern that is consistent and reproducible for that individual. Injury or disease will result in thermal asymmetries. After detection, thermography also has an effective role in monitoring the effects of treatment.
Research shows that cancer may develop over a period of time and that abnormal cells may develop as early as 10 years before cancer. By measuring temperature changes, breast thermography can detect abnormal cellular activities in the breast 5-10 years before other diagnostic tools… without radiation or breast compression, and in a very safe manner. Medical Thermography has been used extensively in human medicine in Canada, U.S., Europe and Asia for the past 25+ years. In addition to its use as an adjunct test for breast cancer, Medical Thermography is also used, among others, by sports physicians and chiropractors to detect the source of physical pain and to reduce the likelihood of future injuries in athletes and musicians.

Thermography is a breast screening risk assessment tool to aid in identifying women who have an increased risk for developing breast cancer. Current research has determined that the key to breast cancer survival rests upon its earliest possible detection. If discovered in its earliest stages, 95% cure rates are possible. Our clinic is dedicated to providing one of the most important adjunctive breast cancer screening procedures available.


Understanding the role of angiogenesis.

Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels in order to sustain the growth of a tumor. Angiogenesis is a fundamental step in the transition of tumors from a dormant to a malignant state. Breast thermography helps to identify cases of angiogenesis.


Know your risk of developing breast cancer.

75% of women who develop breast cancer have no family history of the disease. Regardless of your family history, an abnormal thermogram may indicate that the future risk of developing breast cancer is 10 times higher than a first order family history of the disease. Certain thermographic risk markers can indicate to a woman that she needs to be proactive and closely monitor her breast health.


Thermography can indicate hormonal imbalance.

One of the greatest risks for the development of breast cancer is long-term exposure to estrogen. Normalizing the hormonal balance in the body can be an important step in prevention. Certain thermographic risk markers help to indicate the effects of hormones in the breasts.

Healthier is Smarter! Book Your Appointment Today!